





代表取締役社長 小沢国彦

Dear Customers and Partners

Thank you for your continued support.
We are pleased to announce that our group has received a gold rating in the EcoVadis sustainability survey.

EcoVadis (headquartered in France) is an organization that conducts sustainability assessments through an information sharing platform registered with more than 130,000 buyers and suppliers in over 180 countries and regions around the world. The survey evaluates the sustainability of companies based on four themes: “Environment,” “Labor and Human Rights,” “Ethics,” and “Sustainable Procurement,” as well as a matrix of “Policy,” “Implementation Measures,” and “Results.” Our efforts received a gold rating, placing us in the top 5% of all assessed companies.

Our efforts to improve our sustainability rating are a testament to our belief that the success of our various business activities, both current and future, is closely linked to the health of the global environment. By incorporating sustainable thinking into every aspect of our business activities, all our actions are carried out with economic, environmental, and social responsibility in mind.

Our mission is to make a difference in the environment in 10 years’ time by safely and sustainably reusing 1 billion kg of assets across the Group by 2030. With over 40 owned locations across 22 countries around the world, we continue to offer unmatched service level consistency, consistent commercial, low logistics costs, local compliance experts in the region, support in local time zones and languages, and a deep understanding of cross-border trade.

Managing Director Kunihiko Ozawa