
先般8月20日、日本政府より発令されましたCOVID-19新型コロナウィルスにおける、緊急事態宣言を9月30日(木)をもって解除する方針の発表がありました。これに伴い、弊社TES-AMM JAPANの業務体制を感染防止対策の継続実施を行いながらになりますが、10月4日(月)より通常業務体制に戻すこととなりましたのでお知らせ致します。皆様にはテレワーク時の対応等でご不便等をお掛けしたことをお詫び申し上げます。またご理解、ご協力をいただいたことに心より感謝申し上げます。感染防止対策は引き続きのマスクの常時着用、手指消毒、検温、弊社社員およびその家族の体温・体調管理、時差出勤、テレワークの継続、社内ミーティングの規制等を行って参ります。また、弊社を来訪される皆様方におきましては、弊社社員同様に検温、マスクの着用、手指消毒をご協力いただけますようお願い申し上げます。

Dear all customers,

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued patronage. On August 20, the Japanese government announced a policy to lift the state of emergency for the new COVID-19 coronavirus on September 30 (Thursday). Along with this, we will continue to implement infection control measures for our TES-AMM JAPAN business system, but we would like to inform you that we will return to the normal business system from October 4th (Monday). We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the correspondence during teleworking. We would also like to express our sincere gratitude for your understanding and cooperation. Infection control measures will continue to include constant wearing of masks, hand disinfection, temperature measurement, body temperature and physical condition management of our employees and their families, staggered commuting, continuation of telework, regulation of in-house meetings, etc. In addition, we would like to ask all visitors to our company to cooperate in temperature measurement, wearing masks, and disinfecting hands as well as our employees. We at TES-AMM will continue to provide the best service to help you. We look forward to your continued patronage.

Best Regards
代表取締役 小沢国彦
Kunihiko Ozawa