Global Reception and International Certifications
With Singapore being our main hub, we are a global network that has locations in Australia, New Zealand, India, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, England and more where are customers are requesting us to be.
We can over a single service for everything from OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer), Blue chip international organizations, financial institutions, research institutions and much more. There are a lot of issues that come with trying to offer the exact same service in various different parts of the world.
Global Coverage
There are few makers that are able to offer such a consistent and transparent service other than TES around the world.
Some of the biggest success points when being able to do this is having someone that can speak all of the various languages needed, without time delay and with real time support as well as adhering to all of the compliances of the location they are in.

TES Singapore
Although electrical equipment is very much convenient in our everyday lives, it is causing some major environmental issues. Due to many toxic substances being created from these machines, it is not simple to recycle electrical equipment, similar to plastic and glass. If you don’t appropriately dispose of these items they can cause huge harm to the environment and atmosphere.
Here is a video from our HQ in Singapore showcasing the process we use to go about recycling these electrical products.